Funny story

I ask my audience a question and anticipate a YES!

But I get a NO! And blank faces!

My whole speech fell apart at that moment. What to do now?

It was not much to do but continue, quickly thinking of an alternative introduction and move on.

I decided to make fun of me and the situation and then smoothly introducing my topic and the tips of the day.

It was amazing to see how the reluctant audience started to engage, nod, laugh and warmed up to my subject.

In the end the feedback I received was “well done on your ability to improvise” and “engage with the audience”, which in the end was my intention for the speech.

Not so much the improvisation as the engagement….

As a coach I have learned to ask questions without anticipating the answer. I think this skill helped me in my presentation. I allowed myself to go with the flow and choose an alternative route.

What do you do when your message or question does not receive the answer you anticipated?

Have a great day and be kind to yourself!

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